Most fun ever?

Wylin' out

The boy "Sparkles" (me) and Steve Cannon

I'm absolutely wasted at this point
- This Weekend: Thanks to urryone that came out to the several parties that Bo and I DJed this weekend. This weekend was insane. Friday night we did the Child’s Play party (pictures and recap here--there's nothing but smiles in all those pics) with Low Budget, Dan the Swede (the best person ever), and Steven Bloodbath from the Town Jewelrz and it was absolute mayhem. 400 folks rolled through to experience the ridiculously rowdy Willie-Hutch-into-“Stay Fly” moshpit, some “Sweet Child O’ Mine” (twice), and Bo Bliz killing the slow reggae. And the BPP boys were in the house! The BYOB-ness of the party was key (everyone was pretty much annihilated) but made for an absolutely horrible cleaning experience the next day. Nothing is worse than having a pounding hangover-headache and having to bend down and pick up stanky stale beer bottles all day after getting like four hours of sleep. Ugh dude. That shiz was ROUGH. But the party was a huge success and went off without a hitch (except for some cornball grafitti artist tagging the spot up right before the party ended. Whoever did that—and we know who did it—is an effin’ cornball. First of all, his hand styles are terrible and, second of all, dude tagged the spot up two minutes before the party ended. So, the only people that saw it were me and the 4 other DJs. Way to “get up,” homie. Don’t worry though—we’re gonna get you for the deposit money you owe us, you prick). Then on Saturday it was off to the east village for Bo and I to hold down “Curl” with Moe Choi. We killed it and a bunch of homies came through and it was a good ass time. But, needless to say, it’s Monday morning and the boy is absolutely exhausted. Looooooooong-ass hectic weekend capped-off with a terrible Eagles loss. And, unfortunately, I’m too exhausted to go see my man Brendan Bring’em get down tonight for his crazy Halloween party at Denim. I’m sorry Brendan. I suck. You really need to go to this:
Monday, October 31st At Denim With A Live Band
It's a special night of the Soul Travelers DJ'ing with a live band like it's never been done before. The Soul Travelers have put together a 10 piece dance orchestra led by James Rouse, Kelis' tour drummer and musical impresario. The band will be playing 70's, 80's and 90's dance classics mixing in out of the Soul Travelers' sets, keeping the dance floor jumping with classics as well as a full out live BALTIMORE CLUB set. Brendan and Joey will be holding it down along with your hosts for the night, Gravy and Ryva.
The Halloween theme for the night is "The Grammy Awards," so think of an artist you've always wanted to masquerade as and make it happen for the night. You can come dressed as what ever you'd like, but there will be a reduced admission for those in costume. It happens at Denim at 1712 Walnut Street and the party goes from 9 pm to 3 am.
A Halloween Night At The Grammy's w/ Soul Travelers
Monday, October 31st at denim> 1712 Walnut Street
- More On the Dress-Code: A pretty funny article about what the players can do to combat the dress-code. Hey, if you can’t beat ‘em “outside the system,” work within the confines “within the system,” right?
- Sudoku: I’m kind of a Sudoku freak these days. I’m not particularly great at them but I’m not bad either. The Metro puzzle is way too easy though.