Crushed like a bug on the ground.

"My fellow bandmates are simply too
colourful and goofy whilst I am rather
obviously the genius of this programme!"
- Thom Yorke Going Solo: The boy is doing a solo album? I’m not sure if that's a good look.
- Women Pleads No Contest for Finger Biting: The funniest part of this article isn’t the finger biting. It’s what the argument was over: a kitten.
- Judge Halts Sales of “Ready To Die”: Elsewhere I’ve explained why I think intellectual property is a crock of shit, but unfortunately, capitalism doesn’t see it that way and we still have shit like this happening to rappening. Weak.
- Stop Snitching!: Believe me when I say this: I’ve never smoked weed. Never have and likely never will. Why? The simple answer is that I never really had any desire to do so. The more complicated answer has something to do with the fact that I’ve gone this long without smoking it that I kinda feel like I should stick to my guns and just stay away from the shit. The even more complicated answer has a lot to do with me seeing a bunch of folks I know smoke way too much weed and turn into completely different, wack people while high. An ex-girl of mine was like this and it would drive me fucking insane. So, take not: just because I listen to a great deal of rap music, have curly hair and a beard does not mean I smoke weed. Got it? That being said, I’ve got no beef with anyone who smokes weed and don’t really give a fuck if you do (unless you’re going to be my girlfriend and turn into a heartless, indifferent rock when you’re high). But, if a teacher was nice enough to give me some weed, the very last thing I’d do is snitch on dude. Somebody needs to kick this kid’s ass or bribe DJ Ayres to punch him in the dick (click and scroll down until you see orange text).
- Adam Morrison: I really don’t fucking like Adam Morrison. I’m not sure why. He’s pretty good. I just think he’s a jack-ass. That’s the great thing about sports. You can totally dislike a guy for no real reason and once pressed to explain it, you can just sort’ve say “I dunno. He’s a fucking jackass” and that’s all you really gotta say. So, mostly: fuck that dude. In other news, my Bracket is kinda jacked. I’m middle of the road in all my pools that I’m in, which basically means I’ve got a chance if Villanova wins it all. Otherwise, I’m kinda screwed. Oh well.
- Fuck a Spider: I don’t fuck with spiders. Never have, never will. To all future wives: if you are scared of spiders, I can’t marry you
- Shawls: My new pretty-homo fashion accessory? Shawls. I predict TI biting my Shawl game in his next video. Game recognize game.
This biggie case might end up in the Supreme Court. Not sure if this was covered on NPR, but i read that the sixth circuit (this case was heard in a tennessee federal district court that follows the 6th circ.)is the only circuit which holds that de minimis sampling (in this case less than 5 seconds of an Ohio Players' song)is equal to copyright infringement.
Its funny that the title track to ready to die is the one in dispute...its not like it had much to do with album sales. The jury came up with $4 million in damages for a 4 second sample in a song that never was a single?
please tell me this is a joke. Otherwise the world has reached a new level of softhandedness that I never dreamed existed.
No joke, Serg. Pictures to come soon.
Could your dislike of Adam Morrison be rooted in his smudgestache?
No. I like mustaches. I just get the feeling that he's a fucking dork and that if he couldn't play basketball everyone would make fun of him. I'm not sure why this makes me dislike him. I can see his inner-loser, and it's not fair that he's going to be a millionaire and so many other inner-losers aren't.
The world is unfair.
Really, I have no idea why the guy rubs me the wrong way.
I used to find Morrison's temper tantrums hilarious and somewhat endearing. I even found the SI article about how he plays online Halo with JJ a little heartwarming.
Then I saw this.
Much like your hatred of the dude, I can't really pinpoint why that picture disturbs me so much. But it does. Now, every time I see him, I pretty much have an anxiety attack. I imagine it's something like the terror rape victims feel when they see their assaulter in a criminal lineup.
Well I like moustaches, too (PAUSE), but right now we are talking about *smudgestaches*
Although I firmly believe that men without facial hair look like batches or eunuchs, I also feel strongly that those who cannot grown facial hair should not attempt to do so. Where does this leave the follicularly challenged? I suppose consigned to batchdom, but then that is not my problem.
That SI piece about Morrison and Reddick playing video games together made me want to beat both of they azzes.
thats all i need to say.
and you.. hating someone for no particular reason (even though its probably subconcious jealousy).. is low. very low.
and in response to the guy who doesnt like his pictures..
not everyone is photogenic.
get over it.
and stop being jealous.
I'm not real crazy about the solo album. Bring back old Radiohead!
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