Take your bitch from the club, make her ass a mule...

Doin’ it so big, my blog is all disfigured
- A lot of stuff: Holy moly, there’s a whole lotta ish going on in my world right now.
* First of all, and most importantly, Bo Bliz and I finally released our Electro Cute mixtape. The jawn is a full 70 minutes of ridiculous electro, bmore, Miami-bass, booty, dancehall, and other 130bpm-plus ish. You can paypal emyndandbobliz@gmail.com $7 or you can see me in person and hit me with a $5 piece for the disc. Either way, cop that jawn! Our website is up and running so go there for some free snippets of the jawn to see what it’s all about. Unfortunately, we’ve having some technical difficulties with the “Buy Now” link over on the emyndandbobliz.com site, but click the “Buy Now” button below and you should be all good. If you’re having hella trouble, just email emyndandbobliz@gmail.com and--don't you worry!--we’ll figure out a way for you to give us your money.

- * By the way, we’ve got the White T’s and White Belts CD Release Party for the CD coming up on the first Friday of January too, so be sure to roll through to that. Don’t be Scurred.

- * Your boys Dan the Swede and emynd (me) will be DJing this up-coming Friday at the New Golden Palace on 8th and Washington in the heart of South Philly for the last important part of the year: The Takeout. Seriously though, eff all the New Year’s Eve shenanigans because this is where the party is finna be at, for trill! New Year’s Eve is always an anti-climactic let down, so we’re doing this ish a day earlier for all y’all to get it on some crazy $10 BYOB party ish reminiscent of the epic Child’s Play Halloween Party… except this time, there’s free food until midnight! You can’t beat that with a bat. Sayin’. This Friday, December 30th, 10PM-2AM. Bring a ten spot, a couple 40’s and an appetite and we’ll get it in something surrious.
- * I’m finna be in Ft. Lauderdale next week! I’ma be in town for a conference and while I was tentatively scheduled to go to the Orange Bowl, that ish isn’t happening anymore (unfortunately). Do I know anybody down there? I really don’t know. Holler at me if you’re in the area and let’s catch up. Take me to a record store and/or a strip club and let’s whip over to Dade County and holler at Trina.
- Chappelle Theory: Things that make you go hmmmm.
- Chronicles of Narnia Rappin’: This hilariousness has already made its internet rounds, but if you missed it somehow, you absolutely need to peep it. It’s crazy delicious.