I put that on e'erythang...

- Rudolph Murked: Peep this display of Rudolph hanging dead from a tree. Christmas decorating at its finest.
- Mike Tyson: Another sad Mike Tyson story crops up. Mike Tyson is the American Dream gone wrong and I’ve got nothing but love, pity, and well-wishes for the dude. Seriously. I’ve probably ranted about this dude on my blog before, but he’s been unfairly exploited since birth and been betrayed repeatedly by people he trusted too easily. Of course, he made some absolutely horrible financial decisions (um, a White Tiger as a pet?) that prepped him for a life of debt, but seeing as that the average American spends about 101% of their income, I don’t know if we can really safely criticize rags-to-riches folks for being financially irresponsible. Anyway, I just feel really sorry for the dude. He got a bum deal.
- Transvestites Bafrooms: I don’t really know what to make of the TV Toilets in Brazil. I do know that my blog is gonna start showing up on some weird sexual google searches. I forecast a “Transvestite toilet sex” search in the next week.
- Perform on That Ass Just like an Assembley: To all my Group Home fans, peep Malachi the Nutcrackers best lyrics. Amazing stuff like “Yo, it's a wonderful world, a world of wonder/I thunder and thunder I won't go under!” and “Nutcracker doin hits by the dozen/When I make moves, I ride the train with my cousin!/ Nowhere near simple/ My mental, flex more complex than Mozart's instrumental!” and “Walk through the valley of death with no fear/I'm knockin' suckas like a runaway deer!” Holy ish this dude is hilarious.
- The Stencil: The stencil shouted me out the other day on their wonderful site. I love them… very much (somewhat homo). Jonesy has an absolutely amazing reminiscent post about the Nautica Van up. ’96 hip-hop fans, stand-up!
- Electro Cute: Did you peep the sidebar? Emynd and Bo Bliz “Electro Cute” Mixtape coming sooner than you think!
gotta put your life (pause) in effect mode
go for the gold boom boom explode
or some shit like that
it makes me sick to think that I have brain cells devoted to storing malachi's rhymes
man sf been having transgender bathrooms.
motherfuckers steal every thing from the bay
that electro cute name and cover kills me.
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